Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Explore WSO2 Carbon admin Web services

The Carbon Management console is popular among WSO2 Product users.Without making any file level configuration changes, one can use web based admin console to interact with the Carbon installation.

As a Carbon developer one can ask, "Is there any other way to access those admin services rather than using the management console?"

Yes you can, Management functionalities inside the console UI communicate with back end web-services which you can use directly. All these web services are secured, you can access them with either HTTP Basic Authentication or session based authentication.

1. First you need to change the visibility of  admin web service WSDLs.
Open CARBON_HOME/repository/conf/carbon.xml and search for the HideAdminServiceWSDLs property.

Change the value of HideAdminServiceWSDLs property as follows,
2. Start Carbon server with –DosgiConsole parameter.
CARBON_HOME/bin$ sh -DosgiConsole
3. Once server started in OSGI-Console mode just run listAdminServices command.
osgi> listAdminServices
Above command will list down all available admin services in your Carbon server.

I'm taking TenantMgtAdminService located at as a sample and explore this service within SoupUI.

4. Browse

You can simply import this WSDL to SoapUI and check for all available services.

Create new soapui project with a name you want and as the initial WSDL.

Happy Exploring !!!

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